How We Work

Currumbin Surf Life Saving Club is a community-funded movement that relies on the donations of people like you to ensure our volunteer surf lifesavers have the training and equipment needed to keep Currumbin Beach safe for locals and visitors.

Everyone you see in a red and yellow surf lifesaver shirt and cap at the beach is a volunteer. They give their time generously to ensure Currumbin Beach is kept safe and visitors return home to their loved ones.

Donate Now

Why We Need Your Support



Beach Visits Each Season
Anna A

2,000 +

Preventative Actions & Rescues
Nick Peachey

1120 +

New Award Holders Each Season
Anna C

$10,000 +

Annual Club Training & Educational Program


Annual Beach Patrol Equipment
Anna B


New Inflatable Rescue Boat
Pictured: Mr. Freier and his rescuers

Safe Shores Project In Action

Feature story | The rescue of Laurie Freier

Laurie Freier encountered a freak wave as he swam in front of the Currumbin Beach Vikings Surf Lifesaving Club just before Christmas. The frightening encounter saw the former star rugby player and Coach loose part of his scalp.

“That was frightening!” In his own words: “My scalp had fallen off on the righthand side and I was bleeding from top to toe. It wasn’t a pretty sight,” he said. “As they (waves) came I had to do my best to cushion the blow and just keep my head away.

There nothing I could do except cop the punishment.” Luckily he was rescued by young Club members and Patrol Captain. According to the report Mr. Freier lost about three buckets of blood throughout the rescue but was able to remain conscious and pull through,

Donate today to help our surf lifesavers go into battle to achieve their mission.

What your donation will help us purchase


Beach safety signage identifies beach hazards and warns the public.


A pair of feather patrol flags mark the safer area to swim at a patrolled beach.


Spinal boards provide rigid support to reduce the movement of a suspected spinal injury patient.


Radios are an essential communication device for surf lifesavers.

Your Donation

The Safe Shores Project is proudly endorsed by the Currumbin SLSC Club Council and provides the community a simple and tax deductible way to support your Surf Club.

Additional forms of support are available including sponsorships and bequests. Please reach out to the CEO or Club Treasurer to discuss further.